O&K Print Watch Linux – Web-server

O&K Print Watch Linux uses a built-in web server to view statistics and control printing: http://localhost:8989

Any browser with Javascript support can be used for access.

The web server configuration is defined in etc/printwatch/prinwatch.conf:

  • EnableHTTP — Use web server. Possible values: 1 and 0. The default value is 1. If you only need to collect printing statistics, e.g. on user PCs, you can disable launching the web server on such PCs.

  • HTTPPort — Server port, default is 8989.

  • HTTPThreads — Number of threads in use, default is 16.

If you change any parameter, restart the service

sudo systemctl restart printwatch

Restrict access to the web server.

Access to the web server can be restricted by password (disabled by default).

To set the user name and password, use the menu in the web interface: Settings — Password.

It is necessary to uncheck the “Do not use authorization” checkbox, set the username and password.

With authorization enabled, each connected user will be redirected to the login page. Without entering user credentials, access to the O&K Print Watch Linux web server will be denied.