O&K Print Watch provides various reports for viewing statistics and printing history on any object (print server, printer, user, user group, or computer).
General printing statistics.
This report includes summary information on the object:
Detailed printing statistics.
This is a report on documents printed by a given object. To create this report, select the object in the tree on the left side of the program window, and select the Detailed tab. The report will be shown on the right.
The report contains the following fields:
Printing history chart.
Distribution of documents, pages, and cost by weekdays, months, or years is presented as a separate chart.
Each chart has the following settings:
To update the report, select View → Update in the menu.
IMPORTANT: The statistics window is updated automatically. By default, the updating interval is 180 seconds. To change this value or completely disable automatic updating, select Tools → Auto Refresh in the menu.
Each report can be sorted by any field. To sort a report, click the header of the field by which you want the report to be sorted.
To search for a string in a report, use the Search right-click menu.
By default, each report is based on the last 1000 database entries. To change the reported period or the number of database entries for an object, select and right-click it in tree on the left side of the window, and then select Report → Parameters in the context menu. In this dialog, you can also set up filtering by document name, the number of pages, the cost of printing, paper size, color mode, or duplex mode.
IMPORTANT: To view the currently used statistics period or filter, click the respective button on the toolbar. To reset the period or filter, click the button again.