This section will help you start using O&K Print Watch.
Follow these simple steps:
Printers for which no printing statistics is collected will be displayed in gray in the tree on the left side of the program window. To enable print monitoring for such a printer, right-click it and select Enabled in the context menu.
To stop collecting statistics for a printer, select it in the tree (on the left), and uncheck the Enabled check box in the right-click menu.
IMPORTANT: For a printer that has its own network interface, the printing statistics will not include any print jobs sent to the printer from any computers that do not run O&K Print Watch Service if the printer is installed as a local one (Microsoft® TCP/IP Printing, LPR port).
IMPORTANT: For correct counting of pages and copies printed, saving of document images, and applying of quotas and limits, you must install such a printer as a local one on the computer where O&K Print Watch is installed. Then specify the printer’s port as an MS Standard TCP\IP port and the printer’s IP address, or the JetDirect of the network print server. Each user must connect to that printer via the \\ServerName\PrinterName print server.