O&K Print Watch – Installation
- Download prnwatch.exe (the installer).
- Log on with administrator rights.
- Close any running applications.
- Launch prnwatch.exe and follow the instructions on the screen.
The application consists of the following components:
- 1O&K Print Watch Service must be installed on the print server to process all printing events, save them to its database, and manage the print server. In your network, install O&K Print Watch Service on each print server that you want to control.
- 2Control Program provides the user interface for viewing statistics and controlling a print server. To view printing statistics and control the print server, install Control Program on any computer in your network. Then run Control Program, and connect from it to the print server running O&K Print Watch Service.
MS SQL Server is used for storing the printing statistics. The installation program provides the following setup options for MS SQL Server:
- SQLite database - compact, zero-configuration database. No any additional component is required to install. Each O&K Print Watch print-server uses its own private SQLite database. To share one database and printing history consolidation between several print-servers, you should use MS SQL Server.
- MS SQL Server 2012 LocalDB — This version of SQL Server can be installed on Windows Vista SP1 (or better) or Windows Server 2008 (or better). Selecting this option will download and install MS SQL Server 2012 LocalDB (~33 MB) and MS SQL Native Client (~4 MB). For installation and operation, you will need .NET Framework 4.01 or better. MS SQL Server 2012 LocalDB is a recommended choice for small networks with O&K Print Watch running on one dedicated print server.
- MS SQL Server 2012 Express — Selecting this option will download and install MS SQL Server 2012 Express SP1 (~148 MB). This type of SQL Server is recommended for a print server with 20+ printers; you can also use it if O&K Print Watch runs on multiple print servers in one network. In this case, all print servers can share one database. All statistics and print settings will be available when connecting to any O&K Print Watch server.
- Existing MS SQL Server — If you already have MS SQL Server 2005 or better in your network, you can use it as a database server for O&K Print Watch. Enter a server name, SQL Server administrator name (for example, sa), and password. When connecting to the existing SQL Server, SQL authentication will be used. The installation program will create a database named PRNWATCH and a user named prnwatch for accessing that database. The SQL Server administrator password is only required for creating the database. The password will not be saved, nor it will be used later.
- Use current O&K Print Watch database settings — If you already have O&K Print Watch installed on the computer, you can use the existing settings for the database, so there is no need to repeat the installation and creation steps.
Uninstalling O&K Print Watch:
- Select Uninstall a program (the exact text depends on your OS version) in the Control Panel.
- Select O&K Print Watch in the list of installed programs, and click Uninstall (the exact text depends on your OS version).
- Follow the instructions on the screen.