O&K Print Watch – Features
- Precise determination of the number or pages printed; the print job may be sent from a computer running any OS to a printer with any of the following printer control languages: PCL® (version 3, 4, 5, 5E, 5C, 6 (XL)), POSTSCRIPT® (level 2 and 3), ESC/PAGE, ESC/P® (with Remote Mode Commands), ESC/P2®, 9-Pin ESC/P®, FX®, QPDL, ZIMF\Zj-Stream, CPCA, BJL Commands, BJ Raster Image Commands, Samsung Printer Language Color (SPL\SPL2), XQX, Xerox GDI printing, LIDL, HBPL, SPLC (Sharp Printer Language with Compression).
- Precise determination of the number of document copies printed.
- Remote management of the print server.
- Assignment of printing quotas and limits.
- Limiting print jobs by cost and the number of pages.
- Limit print jobs with certain keywords in the document name.
- Denying color printing.
- Allowing two-sided (Duplex) printing only.
- Viewing completed print jobs as images.
- Web interface for report viewing.
- Deny or pause printing for any user.
- Multiple reports for viewing statistics as tables or charts.
- Saving data in a Microsoft® SQL Server or Oracle database, with ability to create your own reports.
- Setting the printing cost individually for each printer.
- Flexibility in removing completed print job data.
- Print queue management.
- Support for local and Active Directory users or user groups.
- Running the monitor as a system service.
- Exporting reports to HTML or XML.
- Sending reports by email.
- Password protection of the launch of Control Program.
- Collection of printing statistics by projects. (Authentication Client is required.)
- Password protection of a printer. (Authentication Client is required.)
- Consumables monitoring for SNMP-compatible printers and multifunction devices.
- Support for print clusters and an unlimited number of printers.
- SNMP monitoring for printers anf MFP.
- Reports and e-mail notifications for low level printers toners, inks and other supplies.