E-mail notifications about printer status or changes in the level of consumables
O&K Print Watch can send e-mail notifications about printer status or changes in the level of consumables (for SNMP-compatible printers or multifunction devices).
You can set up e-mail notifications via your O&K Print Watch server’s web interface:
- Open the following link in your web browser: http://PRINT_SERVER_NAME:8989 (The port used by default is 8989. You need to change it in the link if you have specified a different port in the O&K Print Watch settings.)
- Click “Login” in the top right corner of the home page, and log in as a local or domain administrator of the server.
- Follow this link: Settings -> E-mail reports.
Printer status change
To set up an e-mail notification to be sent in case a printer’s or multifunction device’s status changes, you need to create a notification event with the following parameters:
- Period: Program Event
- Email: The recipient's e-mail address
- Report URL: /printers_status
- Filters: event_name=printer_status

Finally, click the “Add” button to create the notification.
From now on, as soon as the status of any printer or multifunction device added to O&K Print Watch changes to Offline, Out of paper, Error, etc., a notification about that will be sent to the specified e-mail address.
Consumables monitoring (for SNMP-compatible printers and multifunction devices)
To set up an e-mail notification to be sent in case the amount of consumables drops to the specified level, you need to create a notification event with the following parameters:
- Period: Program Event
- Email: The recipient's e-mail address
- Report URL: /printers_supplies
- Filters: event_name=printer_supplies_10

The following levels of consumables are available for notification:
- printer_supplies_1 – The amount has dropped to 1 percent.
- printer_supplies_10 – The amount has dropped to 10 percent.
- printer_supplies_20 – The amount has dropped to 20 percent.
- printer_supplies_50 – The amount has dropped to 50 percent.
Finally, click the “Add” button to create the notification.
From now on, as soon as the amount of consumables in any printer or multifunction device added to O&K Print Watch drops to the specified level, a notification about that will be sent to the specified e-mail address.
You can set up any of these notifications not only for all the printing devices, but also for a specific printer or multifunction device.
To do that, you need to add the parameter printer_id=X into the Filters field; here X is the Id field in the Printers table of the O&K Print Watch database. For example, the string event_name=printer_status?printer_id=1 will create a status change notification only for the printer whose Id is 1.
Alternatively, you can select a printer via the notification editor dialog box: Edit -> Filters:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you create or edit a notification via the notification editor dialog box, make sure that you specify the type of event in the first field (for example, Event – Printer status change).
See also:
SMTP server settings.