Print Monitoring Solutions News.
Released O&K Print Watch
7 September 2015
O&K Print Watch Added printing quota by paper size.
- Added printing quota by pages.
- Fixed color mode detection for PCL XL printers.
- Fixed duplex mode detection for PCL XL printers.
- Added multiply users groups membership.
- Show full user name instead of login.
- Added automatic users and groups synchronization from Active Directory.
- Added e-mail reporting when a document printed.
- Added e-mail reporting when printing quota occured.
- Added storing printed jobs images in files on HDD instead of a database store.
- Fixed cleanup and compacting printed jobs records.
- Added page split in web-interface.
- Added detailed print job description in web-interface.
- Fixed some errors.
User scripts for O&K Print Router.
User scripts for O&K Print RouterHow to create custom user scripts to redirect printing and balancing load between multiple printers.
Released O&K Print Router 3.00.
O&K Print Router 3.00
- Added Chaiscript support for custom print redirection and print load balanced rules.
- Now you can create any user's sripts. For example, a script can route printed document in dependce on paper size, color mode, pages/copies or print job name.
- Fixed some bugs.
Features of the Authentication Client.
Printing quotas and permissions.How to limit printing. Forbid color and wide-papers printing. Printer's quotas by pages and cost.
How to limit printing. Forbid color and wide-papers printing. Printer’s quotas by pages and cost.
Printing quotas and permissions.How to limit printing. Forbid color and wide-papers printing. Printer's quotas by pages and cost.
O&K Print Watch — print control, print audit, and reduction of printing costs
O&K Print Watch — print control, print audit, and reduction of printing costs.O&K Print Watch is an all-in-one print monitor, and it also lets you set quotas on certain printing parameters. Supports all kinds of printers and multi-function devices.
How to get notifications about each document printed.
How to get notifications about each document printed.E-mail notifications about each printed job.
O&K Print Watch
26 January 2015
O&K Print Watch Added support for Brothers devices supplies.
- Added username field in users groups reports.
- Added support XPIF XML printer drivers.
- Added detailed report for user's printed documents on all printers.
- Fixed some errors.
O&K Print Watch
19 November 2014
O&K Print Watch Added printed jobs image capture for Xerox GDI printing.
- Fixed page count error for some NT EMF print jobs.
- Added support for embedded TrueType и PostscriptType 1 fonts.
- Added paper size determination for Konica Minolta printers.
- Added correct page counter for Xerox GDI printing.
- Fixed error in e-mail reports period.
- Fixed error with calculating printed jobs cost.
- Added Authentication Clients determination by client's IP.
- Fixed error in documents copies counter for Canon CPCA printers.
- SQLite optimization.
- Added support for RICOH/NRG printers supplies.
- Added reports settings in Web-interface.
How to change a database in O&K Print Watch
How to change a database in O&K Print WatchHow to change your database while keeping all settings and printing statistics.