
O&K Print Watch – Print monitor and printing control software.

O&K Print Watch is a powerful print monitoring software designed to help businesses optimize printing processes, accurately measure printer usage, and implement a company-wide printing chargeback system.

With O&K Print Watch, you can ensure that every department or user pays their fair share of the printing budget, promoting cost transparency and accountability.

O&K Print Watch PDF Presentation.

Local and network printers monitor13.4 MbDownload

Key Features of Print Monitoring Software:

  • Saving printed documents in PDF format.
  • Restriction or suspension of printing based on specific criteria (cost, color, number of pages, keywords) to enable flexible permission management and prevent unnecessary expenses.
  • Print queue management for efficient document handling.
  • Setting quotas and permissions for printing, tailored to individual users, groups, or specific devices.
  • Monitoring printer and MFP consumables (toner, ink, paper) to optimize usage.
  • Alerts for low consumables to prevent downtime.
  • Comprehensive statistics and detailed reports on printer usage and print volumes.
  • Built-in web server for managing the print server and viewing statistics from any browser.
  • Support for an unlimited number of printers and print cluster solutions.

This print monitoring software is designed to streamline print management, reduce costs, and enhance operational efficiency.

How to setup cost of printing.

You can set a different cost of a printed page for each printer and each paper size

How to use printing quotas.

You can forbid or pause printing documents from any user or users group. You can use printing quotas to limit printing for any object (printer, user or users group).

Connect to a print-server.

You can control and audit all your print-servers from any PC of your local network.

How to view printed documents content.

You can limit document printing by pages, cost or keywords used in the name of a document. Each print job can be saved to the database and viewed later as an image.

How to view users printing history.

You can create a wide array of reports for network and local printers usage and print server stats.

How to print monitoring from browser.

You can use web-interface to view printers stats from browser.
Online sample of O&K Print Watch Web-Server.

How to track of supplies in the printer.

Network printers and MFP supplies control. Ink/toner level, printer's serial numbers. SNMP monitoring.

Windows Print-cluster support

Low-level printers supplies alerts.

Reports and e-mail notifications for low level printers toners, inks and other supplies.

Active Directory synchronization.

All users and user groups in the domain can be automatically synchronized with the O&K Print Watch database.

Whether you need to create an equitable method of charging each department for their printing expenses, require better strategic tools to make decisions about buying and deploying printers, or simply need an easy tool to manage day-to-day printing priorities, O&K Printer Watch is the best print monitoring software.